
How to Maximize your Google Android battery life by wholesaleeshop.com.au

How to Maximize your Google Android battery life by wholesaleeshop.com.au

Thankfully, with planning and insight, you can maximize your Google Android battery life. Follow these tips and tricks to get the most out of your Google Android device from wholesaleeshop.com.au.
Manage Android Wireless Radio Options Wisely
The majority of new Google Android smartphones and tablets pack a variety of wireless radios: a cellular radio for mobile network connectivity; a Wi-Fi radio; GPS; and Bluetooth; etc. And all of these radios can--and will--drastically reduce your Android battery(Dell gd761 battery) life if not used and managed wisely.
You should turn off all wireless radios when you're not using them. When you leave home and go out of range of your personal Wi-Fi network, turn off Wi-Fi so it doesn't constantly attempt to detect or connect to other networks. And when you're done using that Bluetooth headset, switch off Bluetooth. The same goes for GPS.
Some location-based applications and services require that you activate your GPS to function properly. But some of them also constantly attempt to pinpoint your location, even when they're not in use, by contacting the closest nearby satellites or cell towers and draining your precious battery life in the process.

To disable wireless radio options, open your Android Settings, click Wireless & networks, and "un-check" the boxes next to the radio-options you're not currently using. To turn off GPS, open the Location & security settings page within Android Settings, and remove the check from the box next to Use GPS Satellites.

It's also a good idea, from a Dell latitude d830 battery -life- and security-perspective, to turn off any mobile hotspot services your device may offer when they're not in use. You can turn mobile hotspot on and off within the Android Settings menu.
Many Android devices let you create home screen widgets for each wireless radio so you don't need to dig through your settings every time you want to turn them on or off.
Conserve Android Battery by Minimizing Screen Brightness, Timeout
As a general rule of thumb, the brighter your Android screen, the higher the drain on your battery. Some types of displays are more energy efficient than others, but it's still a good idea to reduce your screen brightness to the lowest comfortable level to conserve power. And you can also reduce the time it takes for your display to power itself down when not in use to maximize Dell kd476 battery life.
To reduce your screen brightness, open up your Android Settings menu, click Display. Depending on your Android OS version, you may see an option for Automatic Brightness. This setting automatically dims or brightens your display based on the surrounding light levels. But it can drain the battery by randomly increasing screen brightness.
Uncheck the Automatic Brightness option to manually increase or decrease your screen brightness, and then find the lowest setting that will work for you.
To shorten your screen-timeout, open the Screen timeout menu within your Android Settings, and choose one of the lowest values.
Reduce Unnecessary Notifications to Save Android Battery
Do you use an audible alert or vibration--or both--to notify you of new text messages, e-mail, Twitter "tweets," etc? If so, you should know that you're slowly eating away at your Android battery life with each chirp or buzz.
It's okay to use some notifications, and they can be very valuable when used efficiently. But the problem comes when you excessively employ various types of notifications when they're not really providing any value.
In general, vibrations use slightly more power than audible alerts, so first, reduce any unnecessary vibration-alerts to maximize your Android battery life. To do so, open up the Sound settings in your Android Settings menu. Under General, click to open the Vibrate options and choose a setting that reduces your vibration-alerts, such as Never, Only in Silent Mode or Only When Not in Silent Mode.
In the same General settings menu, you have the option to reduce your ringtone, media and alarm volumes. Doing so will increase battery life since every sound that goes through your device's speaker drains valuable power. Just click Volume and reduce each option to the lowest setting you feel comfortable with.
How to Improve the Battery Life on Your Android Phone
Depending on your Android OS, you may also see some options on the Sound Settings page to enable/disable audible touch tones, audible selections, screen-lock sounds, etc. Turning off any or all of these options will also help conserve Android battery(Dell inspiron 9400 battery).
Finally, you can reduce unneeded vibrations by disabling any keyboard feedback option you may have activated. Some types of keyboards have different feedback-options, but typically you can disable sounds and vibrations by opening up the Android Settings menu, then clicking Language & keyboard. Next, open up your specific keyboard settings and uncheck the boxes next to Vibrate on keypress and Sound on keypress.
Keep Android Battery Connections Clean
Over time, the battery connections within your device can gather dust and other particles and impede the transfer of power to your hardware. Every few months, it's a good idea to remove your battery and wipe clean the small sections of metal through which battery power is transferred, as well as the metal prongs inside your device's battery slot that connect to the power supply.
Those prongs are delicate, however, so you should be very careful cleaning them. Q Tips and cleansing wipes made specifically for electronic gadgets work well, though they can leave residue, so you should ensure both surfaces are clear before replacing your battery.
Finally, your battery will become less efficient over time, so it is occasionally necessary to buy a new one. If your battery is a year or older, and you've determined that its poor performance can't be attributed to a weak cellular connection, a power-hogging app or a similar issue, you may need to replace it.

Top Tips For Your aging computer breathe new life

Top Tips For Your aging computer breathe new life bywww.wholesaleeshop.com.au

Last month we looked at some tips that could breathe new life into an aging computer. At some point, though, you just have to give in and there are a lot of things to consider.
The question of what to do when a computer dies has become a little more complex with the introduction of Apple’s iPad last year, not to mention the introduction of other tablet computers in the coming months. But let’s stick to traditional computers Hp dv8000 battery for now.
The first question you need to ask when replacing a computer is whether you want a Windows 7 PC or an Apple OS X computer. If your old computer was running Windows XP, the learning curve will be about the same. That being said, most of the world still runs on the Windows platform. In fact, many specialized programs for many industries will only run on Windows. Even programs for small business such as QuickBooks are only happy with Windows (Intuit does offer a Mac version of QuickBooks, but it is not nearly as robust as its Windows counterpart).
The Apple platform is more expensive than a Windows PC, sometimes by as much as 30 percent to 40 percent. The Mac, though, is arguably a more robust platform with better performance and a longer lifespan. I have personally found my Apple computers last on average about eight years. But if money matters, a Windows computer is going to be a solid choice. Keep this in mind: the Mac can now run Windows almost seamlessly. You may be able to utilize your old copy of Windows to get the best of both worlds, but check for Windows licensing restrictions since some versions can only be used legally on the original PC.
Once you have decided on a Mac or a PC, most of the considerations are the same. First: laptop or desktop? You can get more processing power in a desktop, but how much power do you really need? If you’re looking for a general-purpose computer that works well in the office but needs to be portable, a laptop (Hp dv6500 batteries) or notebook (not a netbook) makes sense. You can attach a larger monitor, full-sized keyboard and mouse when you’re in the office. If you don’t need to take your PC with you, a desktop PC probably makes more sense.
Unless you’re a serious gamer, video producer or engineer, you aren’t going to appreciate the performance difference between a high-end desktop and a mid-range laptop. For the average user, a 64-bit operating system and at least four gigabytes of RAM are fine. Hard disk size is rarely an issue, but don’t settle for less than 250 gigabytes; 500 GB is better. Get the most powerful processor you can afford, but don’t let this be a deal breaker. Again, if you’re not a power user, the difference between an Intel i5 and an i7 processor (Hp pavilion dv6 battery) isn’t going to be that apparent. The same holds true when it comes to video cards. Most current video cards will allow you to connect your HDTV as a display and perform adequately.
Gamers and power users should consider custom-built PCs or high-end Power Macs tuned to the specific job they’re going to do. With a high-end PC, you should consider visiting a couple of local shops and comparing cost, warranty and expertise. The focus needs to be on compatibility of the parts and whether the parts are perhaps too new (bleeding edge), established (leading edge) or almost obsolete (trailing edge). Do your homework. Some stores may be more interested in getting rid of old stock than getting you the best part for the job. And be prepared to wait. Many times the parts for your system will need to be ordered. Assembly time of several Hp dv2000 batteriesdays is not uncommon.
Finally, let’s talk about tablets. I love my iPad and use it for everything from writing to presentations. But it’s not ready as a primary computing device. There are just some things that need to be done on a “regular” computer.
Next month, we will look at tablet computers and netbooks.

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Top Three Methods of Charging the Battery deeply

Sealed lead acid batteries are notable in supplying steady current for a length of time. Thesebatteries are also known as deep cycle batteries.

This type of battery has 50% to 80% discharge capacity depending on who the manufacturer is or how the Hp pavilion dv4 battery was made.




iPad 2 New HD Mirroring Killer Apps

iPad 2 New HD Mirroring Killer Apps by www.wholesaleeshop.com.au

Air Video

There are other options for streaming your computer’s video library to the iPad, but Air Video consistently receives updates to improve its quality and squash bugs, and it works both in your home network and away with relatively little setup. It also supports AirPlay video streaming, but if you don’t have an Apple TV to stream to, it does a great job with the Digital AV Adapter and iPad 2 HD mirroring.

Gordon Ramsay Cook With Me HD

If you have a TV in the kitchen, or even just one that you can view from the kitchen, then being able to view ingredient lists and cooking instructions on a large screen can really help make the whole process easier. That’s especially true if the app features instructional video, asGordon Ramsay’s Cook With Me HD does. Even if it doesn’t, viewing ingredients lists and cooking instruction on a large screen may be better for those that have a hard time reading small text.

Sketchbook Pro

I like to use the iPad as a canvas from time to time, in combination with a Pogo Sketch or other drawing stylus.Sketchbook Pro is a great app for that purpose on the iPad, and with HD mirroring, it becomes a much bigger drawing tablet — and one that I can use to show off my sketches in real-time as they happen. This comes in handy if you’re working on character design collaboratively with another artist, or if you just want to play Win, Lose or Draw at a party or with a group of friends. If you’re more interested in using the iPad connected to a display as a collaborative whiteboard tool, try Whiteboard Internet Collaboration, which also lets other users with any other iOS device and the app installed join in, too.

Screens or LogMeIn Ignition

Whatever your preference for remote desktop apps (Screensand LogMeIn Ignition are two good choices), when paired with an iPad 2 and HD mirroring, they become a way to quickly and easily recreate and access your home computer when you’re on the road, so long as you have access to an HDMI-equipped TV. It might not have the best performance, depending on your connection quality, but it should do the trick if you need to show a quick presentation using PowerPoint on your home computer or do some light work in, say, Photoshop. It’ll also make the experience much less frustrating since you won’t have to fudge around with a screen much smaller than your actual computer’s.


This may seem like an odd choice, but the built-in Maps app offers the ability to search for and then share directions to a specific location with a large group of people all at once, which comes in handy much more often than you might suspect. This is great if you’re planning a company outing to a trade show or conference, or just for giving your family directions to the park where you’re holding the annual picnic. Beats telling everyone to “just follow me.”
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Dell appreciates Apple has successfully created a market for tablets

Dell appreciates Apple has successfully created a market for tablets

"We will do Windows 7 coupled with Android Honeycomb, and we're really excited. We think that giving people that choice is very important."
Dell really appreciates that Apple has successfully created a market for tablets, but is pretty sure Apple will ultimately fail when it comes to attracting enterprise customers.
That's what Dell's head of enterprise marketing Andy Lark said in an interview with CIO Australia magazine today. He had a couple choice quotes as he ripped Apple's iPad for, among other things, being "too expensive" and incompatible for business users.
"I couldn't be happier that Apple has created a market and built up enthusiasm, but longer term, open, capable and affordable will win, not closed, high price, and proprietary," Lark reportedly told the magazine. "[Apple has] done a really nice job, they've got a great product, but the challenge they've got is that already Android is outpacing them.
"Apple is great if you've got a lot of money and live on an island. It's not so great if you have to exist in a diverse, open, connected enterprise; simple things become quite complex."
He also says the iPad is too expensive. His proof? "An iPad with a keyboard, a mouse and a case [means] you'll be at $1,500 or $1,600; that's double of what you're paying. That's not feasible," Lark said, according to CIO.
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While the debate between the probability of future success between "open" and "proprietary" systems is clearly ongoing, Lark's math is just wrong. An iPad runs for between $500 and $830. Wireless keyboards are $70, and the most expensive smart cover is $70, but starts at $40. That means you're spending anywhere from $600 total to $970 total. And if you did find you needed a mouse for a touchscreen device such as the iPad, that would tack on just another $70. Not anywhere near $1,500 or $1,600.
We don't know yet how many iPad 2 devices Apple has sold since they went on sale March 11, but Apple sold more than 14 million models of the original iPad, and reported it's being used or tested at 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies. But a third-party company offered corroborating evidence that the iPad's use in the enterprise is on the rise.
Good Technology, which makes enterprise software for mobile devices (Good For Enterprise), has over the last year been tracking which devices its clients put its software on. Using data gleaned from more than 2,000 clients, Good found in January that during the fourth quarter of 2010, more than 65 percent of all activations using its software were on iOS devices--which means iPhones and iPads. iPad activations grew from 14 percent of all new devices to 22 percent of all new devices during that same time period.
Apple also managed to get the CEO of Salesforce.com, which makes software for enterprise sales, to appear in a marketing video for the iPad 2. Marc Benioff slightly differed with Lark's point of view, when he said of Apple's tablet, "This device is how we're going to run the future of the enterprise."
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How to pay attention to buy Battery

It is normal practice for charging and discharging first for battery 3 times, and can make battery fully preheated to play the potential performance. Said here means users to charge for battery full of/put clean operation, remember, must be full of, put clean, then filled, put clean, repeat this three times. Then you can for battery for normal use. Some laptop computers have set in BIOS have battery calibration function, the user can more easily take this to Dell inspiron 1526 batterymaintenance regularly, in order to get the best batteries working state.




Top 4 Tips to to reduce battery burnout by wholesaleeshop.com.au

If you own a iPhone, laptop, digital camera, or almost any rechargeable device, it probably runs on a lithium ion battery. They pack a ton of power into a small space and do a great job of holding on to that power when not in use. But without proper care, your battery won’t keep its charge as well as it used to.
That’s perfectly normal. The capacity of all lithium ion batteries declines over time. When maintained properly, an iPhone 4 battery will keep 80 percent of its original capacity after 400 full charge-and-discharge cycles. But there are things you can do improve the lifespan of your battery…
1. Stop running it down
2. Use it or lose it
First, stop running it all the way down. In fact, try not to drop below 20 percent. Think of your battery like a muscle. Working out at a gym for 20 minutes a day will get you into shape, but doing it for 20 hours a day isn’t something you can keep up for very long.
But you also shouldn’t leave your battery fully charged all the time. Like a muscle, your battery will atrophy if you never use it. So unplug it every once in a while and try to run it down by at least 10 percent.
Some manufacturers may also recommend that you fully charge your battery, then completely drain it once a month. This is typically done to recalibrate the device’s internal counter, which is used when estimating how much power you have left. But don’t do it more often than necessary.

3. Remember: heat = death

Stay away from heat. Heat is the natural enemy of lithium ion batteries. Even at room temperature, one year of use can permanently reduce your battery’s capacity by as much as 20 percent – and something like a laptop will run much warmer than room temperature.

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If you’re going to put a laptop through a period of heavy use, a good suggestion is to plug it in and remove the battery, storing it separately from your laptop in a cooler location.
You may also want to invest in an inexpensive cooling pad. It’ll put an extra fan or two underneath your laptop(Hp mini 1000 battery) to suck excess heat way.Here’s a listing of cooling pads available at wholesaleeshop.com.au.
If you use a case with your iPhone, iPad, or other device, make sure that it’s breathable. Long periods of use, especially never-ending cell calls, can generate a lot of extra heat. While a thick, airtight case may offer protection from the elements, it’ll come at the cost of battery life.
For iPhone users, Apple has posted a list of tips to optimize your battery life with some great suggestions for any phone – like keeping it out of the sun or a hot car – as well as some specific to iPhones:Read those tips here.
RIM has done the same for BlackBerry users, recommending, among other things, that you charge your BlackBerry as much as possible. These tips should help maximize your battery’s short- and long-term life, no matter what phone you use.

4. Think long-term storage

If you’ve got an extra Hp presario cq40 battery that you rarely use, or have decided to run your laptop off its charger and store your battery somewhere else until needed, many manufacturers recommend keeping it in a refrigerator with a 50-percent charge.
The refrigerator is a nice, cool place – ideal for longer-term battery storage. But don’t put it in the freezer. Anything below freezing is too cold and will hasten your battery’s demise.
No battery will last forever, and all will eventually have to be replaced. But with proper care, your battery should be able to enjoy a long, healthy Hp 6735b battery life.
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How to take advantage of Windows settings to manage power more efficiently

In this article, I'll introduce some tips that you can use to recharge a battery and extend laptop battery life, and I’ll discuss how to take advantage of Windows settings to manage power more efficiently.
Treat your battery right
For on-the-go computing, your Toshiba pa3356u-3brs batteries is your best friend. Knowing how it likes to be treated is the first step to keeping both of you happy.
  • Keep battery contacts clean. Battery contacts can get dirty or corroded over time, reducing the effective delivery of power. With your mobile PC turned off and unplugged from its external power source, remove the battery. Use a cotton swab dampened with rubbing alcohol to wipe the metal contacts on the battery and inside the device. Allow them to dry completely before reinstalling the battery and reconnecting to a power source. Repeat this procedure every two to three months.
  • Charge your battery correctly. When you're on the road, be sure to carry a power cord and plug your computer in whenever you have the chance. Unlike the older-generation rechargeable batteries like nickel-based (NiMH) batteries (see next paragraph), modern lithium ion batteries can be partially discharged and recharged repeatedly with no harmful effects, but you should avoid fully discharging lithium ion batteries. Consult your owner’s manual for more specific tips on charging, and never use an AC adapter (power cord) or battery charger not approved by your device’s manufacturer.
  • Completely drain nickel-based batteries periodically. If you're using an older laptop (at least three years old) with a nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery, be sure to completely drain it and recharge it (every one to three months—consult your owner’s manual) to ensure that it will hold a full charge. (Most newer mobile PCs use lithium ion batteries, which don't need to be drained to maximize their capacity.) To drain a NiMH battery, simply turn on your computer, unplug it from its external power source, and let the computer run. To speed things up, you could start several applications, turn the screen brightness to its highest level, and ignore all of the great power-saving strategies below. After the power is completely drained, recharge the battery fully. This may take up to 12 hours.
  • Cool it. Your mobile computer generates heat, and higher operating temperatures reduce your device’s efficiency, which in turn demands more battery power and can shorten battery life. Make sure that your computer can “breathe”: Don’t let clothing, lint, or other obstructions block the cooling vents. See How to clean your computer for more tips on keeping your computer spotless and running smoothly.
  • Carry a spare. Buying an extra battery is a good investment for your peace of mind. Battery prices vary widely. You can significantly increase the power available to you if you're willing to splurge a little. Contact the manufacturer of your mobile PC to find a replacement battery, or search here.
  • Store it properly. If you don’t expect to use your mobile computer for a week or more, it’s a good idea to store the battery, discharged to about 40 percent of full capacity, in a cool place. Click the battery status icon in the notification area of the Windows taskbar to check the current charge. Avoid storing a fully discharged—or fully charged—lithium ion battery for extended periods, as this can diminish battery life.
Optimize your power settings
The display and hard disk on your mobile PC are the two biggest consumers of battery power. By choosing a power plan (called a power scheme in Windows XP) you can extend your battery life by automatically lowering screen brightness and reducing other power-hungry functions. A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that control how your mobile PC manages power.

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP

You can also create a custom power scheme to suit your specific needs. You can create as many custom power schemes as you want.
Take advantage of low-power states
The different versions of Windows provide the following battery-saving states:
  • Windows 7. Sleep and hibernation (which is like deep sleep)
  • Windows Vista. Sleep and hybrid sleep (which is a combination of sleep and hibernation)
  • Windows XP. Standby (which is like sleep) and hibernation (which is like deep sleep)
Sleep (Standby)
In a sleep state (standby), your display and hard disk turn off, and all open programs and files are saved in random access memory (RAM)—your computer's temporary memory—rather than to the hard disk. Information stored in RAM is cleared when the computer turns off, so it's a good idea to save your work before placing your system in sleep or standby mode. Otherwise you may lose data if you lose power or swap Toshiba pa3534u-1brs laptop battery or if your system crashes.
Sleep (standby) is particularly useful when you're using your mobile PC intermittently during the day. For example, when driving between clients' offices, put your computer to sleep or on standby to maximize the life of your battery and to maintain quick access to open programs, files, and documents. When you want to use your computer again, it wakes up quickly, and your desktop is restored exactly as you left it.

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP

In hibernation, your computer saves everything to your hard disk and then shuts down. When you restart the computer, your desktop is restored exactly as you left it. Hibernation uses less power than the sleep state (standby), but it takes a bit longer to resume.

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP

Hybrid Sleep
Hybrid sleep is a power-saving feature designed primarily for desktop computers. Hybrid sleep saves any open documents and programs to random access memory and to your hard disk and then puts your computer into a low-power state.

TagsCloud:Windows settings,take advantage,manage power,Toshiba pa3356u-1bas batteries,Toshiba pa3356u-3bas laptop battery,Toshiba pa3399u-1bas battery

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