
iPad Staying on top of the tablet competition

iPad Staying on top of the tablet competition by wholesaleeshop.com.au

In a few weeks things will get crazy here on CrackBerry as the BlackBerry PlayBook hits the market and we do our content thing on it (think device, app, accessory reviews, how-tos, tips, tricks and more). Over at our sibling site TiPb.com, which covers all things Apple iOS related, they have now had a few days with their latest tablet toy, the Apple iPad 2, and have posted their initial review of it. Knowledge is power, so for the sake of being able to tell your Apple fan boy friends why your PlayBook is better than their iPad, you'll want to jump over at the link below and check out the review!
To be dead honest, as I type this the UPS man is actually on his way to my house with an iPad 2 (and yes, I bought it in white). I was hoping to have a PlayBook by now, but since that isn't the case I'm going to spend a couple of weeks getting to know the competition so that when I do review the BlackBerry PlayBook I can give it a real honest comparison to the current sales leader in the tablet market. We know the BlackBerry PlayBook is power packed out of the box and that the QNX-based BlackBerry Tablet OS has a ton of potential in it, but I'm sure there are going to be areas where iPad 2 > PlayBook as there will be areas where PlayBook > iPad 2. In the meantime, be sure to check out TiPb's iPad 2 Review.  Oh, and if you want me to do a CrackBerry Kevin unboxing of the iPad 2, let me know in the comments and maybe I'll do one up.  If I do do one, it won't be conventional... I can promise you that.
Basically, when you are looking at dark, solid colors on the screen, you’ll notice what appear to be yellow “bleed” marks towards the edge in various areas of the device.  The issue intensifies when you turn up the brightness of the iPad.  It’s most aggravating when the affected areas are displaying just a solid black screen.  It’s not just noticeable, but also distracting.
The biggest problem with this issue is that, unlike with the bonding issue, this problem does not correct itself.  Users must either accept the bleeding or take it to the Apple Store for, hopefully, a replacement.

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It is unknown how widespread the problem is.  The MacRumors forum has been a venue for frustrated owners to vent their concerns.  razorianfly.com also has a story on this issue, along with a poll to see how many iPad’s are affected.  For what it’s worth, just under 60 percent of voters in that poll said they are having an issue.  But take that with a grain of salt, because content owners rarely scour blogs to rant about how pleased they are.
I included a picture of my iPad in this post.  Please excuse the less-than-stellar quality as I have to rely on my iPhone for all my picture-taking needs.  But you’ll notice two yellow-ish spots in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.  Trust me when I say that it’s even more noticeable in person.
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