
iPhone 5 is really coming this summer

The same shadowy figured which can’t decide whether the iPhone 5 is really coming this summer have now posited that even if it does, Apple’s next-gen iOS 5 operating system may not immediately come along for the ride.

And this comes at a time when there’s increasing speculation that with the iPad 2 seemingly less than the grand revolution Apple must have originally envisioned, there just might be an iPad 3 coming before year’s end. Put two and two together, and the swamp monsters might as well be claiming that iOS 5 is in fact going to be timed for a late 2011 release – alongside the third generation iPad. With Apple’s nearly religious penchant for sticking with its annual calendar updates, common sense says it’s all a bunch of hooey; the iPhone 5 and iOS 5 will debut in the summer, with whatever features Apple has ready by then; more grand ambitions will simply be shelved it the calendar doesn’t line up. And the iPad 3 will be a March 2012 affair. But it does make one wonder… what if this particular wildcard posited by the shadowy figures just happens to be accurate? The implications would be, at the least, intriguing.



