
Poll Suggests For Current iPad Owners

Poll Suggests For Current iPad Owners by


Gizmocrunch reports that Apple’s decision not to take iPad 2 pre-orders may stem from the recent Verizon iPhone launch.  When pre-orders began for the Verizon iPhone, there were so many orders that it took both the Verizon and Apple online stores down within two hours. Verizon sold more iPhone 4s during its initial launch than any other phone in the carrier’s history, but that is not what the media reported.  The media focused on the fact that lines weren’t long at Verizon stores on the day of the Verizon iPhone launch, creating a false perception that the Verizon iPhone was not a success.  In reality lines were short at Verizon stores because most people pre-ordered online.
Apple does not want this to happen again.  Apple wants long lines for iPad 2.  Long lines for a major Apple product release feeds the Apple hype machine.  There is no better advertising for Apple than the free advertising they will receive on March 11 when all the major news networks report that people lined up for hours outside Apple stores to buy the iPad 2.  The iPad 2 goes on sale at 5PM, conveniently right before the 6PM nightly news and you can bet reporters will be there to cover it.
Cult of Mac reports that there are thousands of first generation iPads currently being sold on ebay and electronics buy back sites which is another a good indicator that lines will be long on Friday.  A quick search for “iPad” on ebay returns over 59,000 listings.  On March 11, many who owned the original iPad will upgrade to the newer model, while many others who didn’t get the first generation iPad will be buying their first iPad.
Do you think there will be long lines for the iPad 2 launch? Will you be in line on March 11 to buy iPad 2?  Let us know.
The iPad 2 still starts at $499 for the 16GB Wi-Fi-only version, so some tablet owners might have to sell their iPad in order to afford the next-generation device. About 14 percent, or 1,131 PCMag readers said they will go this route and sell the old iPad to afford the new one.
Not sure how to do that? PCMag has a guide on how to sell your first-gen iPad, and Target and Best Buy have said the iPad will be part of their buy back programs. We also have a slideshow listing Ten Ways to Dump Your Old iPad.
Some readers, however, are not ready to part with their iPad. About 18 percent, or 1,442, will be keeping their iPads and also purchasing an iPad 2. Like Lance, one reader said that his wife wanted his iPad so he had a "valid excuse to get the iPad 2."
Others, meanwhile, just weren't that impressed with the slimmer form factor, faster chip, and front- and rear-facing cameras. About 28 percent, or 2,173, said they would hold out for the iPad 3. Here at PCMag, we have already started thinking about that. Check out Apple iPad 3: What We Want.
About 34 percent also have no iPad plans. "I'm Doing Nothing" earned 2,629 votes.
Finally, about 8 percent, or 596 people, are sufficiently impressed with iPad competitors to trade their Apple tablet in for something like the Motorola Xoom or the Galaxy Tab. Some people in the comments rightly warned that the Xoom does not have Flash access at the moment, but not for long. Verizonannounced today that Adobe Flash Player 10.2 will be available on the Xoom on March 18.
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