
Top 8 Steps Fix iPhone 3G Screen

Guide to Fix an iPhone 3G Screen - http://www.wholesaleeshop.com.au
  • Wear applicable protective safety gear, such as safety glasses, a breathing mask and/or respirator, gloves or protective clothing.
  • Where applicable, fire-extinguishers, adequate ventilation and a non-flammable environment are worthwhile precautions for anything that poses a risk of smoke or fire.
  • Activities and projects, that pose a risk to one's safety, should only be performed by an adult or under adult supervision.
iPhone 3G Screen - wholesaleeshop.com.au
  • A  Phillips screwdriver
  • A razor blade, or other wedging and scraping tool
  • Rubbing alcohol and Q-tips, and/or a hair dryer or heat gun
  • Double-sided tape and scissors, or superglue
  • Optional: A small suction cup
  • Optional: Tweezers
You, like many people, have broken your iPhone screen! These steps and video will show you how to fix it yourself. Read entire guide before beginning the process.
1.Backup your iPhone! Connect it to your computer, browse to your iPhone in iTunes, and click "Sync."
2.Gather all of the tools you will need. All these materials can be bought online in packages. A simple Google search, "iPhone screen repair kit", will produce you many results to choose from. Also, stores such as Zellers and Wal-Mart carry all the materials except for the screen. Ordering the materials offline will ensure that you get the correct size and type if you are uncertain. Here is what you need:
3.Look at the bottom of your iPhone (the side with thehome button) and locate the 2 screws on either side of the USB connector. Use a  Phillips screwdriver to unscrew both of these. (Note that you don't need to remove the SIM card in order to open the phone, as mentioned elsewhere on the web.)
4.Remove the screen using one of these methods:
Use a wedging or scraping tool. A razor blade works well. Put the razor blade between the rubber and metal and lift the screen. The screen will still be attached to the iPhone so be sure to read the next step to be prepared.
5.Look for flaps in the top right holding the screen and phone together. You will see labels 1 and 2 on bright orange stickers on these flaps. Lift these flaps with your wedging tool. (Note: The #2 sticker on the phone used in this tutorial fell off.)
6.Look for a third sticker
under the  flap. This one is a little different from the other two. You will need to lift the black "clamp" to release the #3 connection. Once the clamp is lifted, the screen will be free from the rest of the iPhone, simply pull it out.
7.Remove 6 more screws. There are 5 screws on the side rails: 3 on the side with the flaps and 2 on the other side. The 6th screw is in the top right. All 6 of these screws are the same, so you don't need to worry about keeping track of which went where. There is black tape over some of the screws in this step. The black tape is not needed, so you can use your razor blade to cut off the tape covering each screw head.
8.Start reassembling your iPhone. Put the LCD and glass back together. There are two ways the screen can go and only one is correct. On one side, the rail is longer than the other, so that's a quick way to match it. You may find it easier to slide the LCD in from the bottom so the little clamp slides on nicely.

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