
Tablet PC Pen Usage Tips

Tablet PC Pen Usage Tips by www.wholesaleeshop.com.au

Tablet PC may or may not have a keyboard, but it always has a digital pen or stylus that serves as a replacement for the mouse and keyboard. However, a digital pen must be calibrated with the Tablet PC every time for it to work properly. There may be times that the Tablet PC does not respond to the tap of your digital pen, which means you need to calibrate it again.
Tablet PCs are computers with touch screen capabilities that require the use of a tablet pen in order to operate. The tablet PC pen and tablet PC communicate with one another so that you can utilize the full capabilities of the tablet technology. Using a tablet pen is one of the greatest advantages of using a tablet PC, but only when you know how to properly get the most out of the device.
Calibrate the pen before you use it for the first time. The tablet PC should contain a calibration program that will ensure that you are properly set up and ready to use the pen. Make sure that you are calibrating the pen for your dominant hand. The tablet PC and pen have to become accustomed to you, just as you have to become accustomed to them. If another user is going to use the tablet PC and pen, make sure that you recalibrate it for her use as well. The pen may needDell inspiron 1300 battery,Dell inspiron 1520 battery to be recalibrated any time calibration settings are changed.
  • Before the first use of your Tablet PC calibrate your pen.
  • Choose the correct handedness the first time you use your Tablet PC.
  • Set up pen settings on a user basis.
  • After changing calibration you may have to re-calibrate the pen.
  • In order to use the pen in MS Office XP you will have to download and install the MS Office XP Pack for Tablet PC.
  • Hold the pen in the same way that you hold a regular pen.
  • Write using an even speed and don’t use all capital letters.
  • You can rest your wrist on the screen as you are writing.
  • Watch the location of function buttons on the pen and make sure compaq dv2000 battery,Dell d630 battery you aren’t pressing them while writing.
  • Position your pen so that the function buttons are facing the palm of your hand while writing and move it around when you need to use the function buttons.
Always watch that the monitor of your Tablet PC does not go in contact with other hard objects since one that part is damaged, no amount of pen calibration will make it work again.

