
Nokia pretty much every major device maker has a tablet in the works

There’ve been rumors that Nokia was preparing to launch a consumer tablet floating around  for a while, but now The Street is pretty sure it’sgoing to happen this year, possibly as early as this fall. The tablet will likely run a version of the MeeGo Linux operating system, but that’s about all we know about the device at this point.
The tip comes from an analyst with access to Nokia’s technology partners. I’d take it with a grain of salt for now, but honestly, at this point it’s more surprising when a company insists it won’t release a tablet than when it does. Pretty much every major device maker has a tablet in the works.
This wouldn’t be the first time Nokia entered the tablet space. The company’s N700, N800, and N900 line of devices have been blurring the lines between phones and tablets for years, but they’ve never sold in very large numbers.
And while MeeGo is the most likely choice for an operating system, as Nokia has been backing Maemo and MeeGo development for years, it’s not the only option Hp pavilion dv6 battery,Hp probook 4510s battery available. After all, Nokia recently announced that it would phase out its Symbian-based smartphones in favor of Windows Phone 7soon. It’d be a bit surprising, but not a complete shock if the company decided to ditch MeeGo for Android or even Windows.
On the other hand, MeeGo has a few things going for it. Not only is the Linux-based operating system already designed for low power mobile devices and highly customizable, but we’ve also already seen that you canconvince some Android apps to run on MeeGo with a little work.
Nokia is building a tablet, which shouldn't surprise anyone. But don't expect this tablet to be another me-too tablet. It'll be different!
That's what they all say, right?
When asked about his company's tablet plans on a Finnish news show, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop said the following:
"We have a number of options in the tablet computing space given the changing strategy that we have. For example, we could take advantage of Microsoft technology and software and build a Windows-oriented tablet, or we could do things with some of the other software assets that we have.
Our team right now is assessing what's the right tablet strategy for Nokia—how does that fit in? I will tell you this that's most important: There are now over 200 different tablets on the marketplace. Only one of them is doing really well. And my challenge to the team is: I don't want to be the 201st tablet on the market that you can't tell from all of the others.
We have to take a uniquely Nokia perspective, and so the teams are working very hard on something that would be differentiating relative to everything else that's going on in the market."
The reporter then said to Elop, "So you're not in a hurry," to which Elop replied, "We're always in a hurry to do the right Hp dv6000 battery,Hp pavilion dv5 battery things but we're mostly in a hurry to do the right thing." That's not a typo and, no, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.
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