
Microsoft executes the specified command fire tablet computer

In three days after its launch, Apple sold 500,000 units of its iPad 2 tablet computer. To most people, that number would seem impressive. But Microsoft's Craig Mundie is not most people.
In a recent interview with Australia's Sydney Morning Herald, Microsoft global chief research and strategy officer Craig Mundie had this to say about what appears to be a rapidly emerging tablet market:
"I don't know whether the big screen tablet pad category is going to remain with us or not... Personally I don't know whether that space will be a persistent one or not."

Tablet Computers are Just a Fad

Mundie stopped short of using the actual term "fad", but there's no escaping his overall impression of the tablet, or slate computer Hp dv6000 batteries: it may not be a long-term mainstay in the tech market.
Mundie's position would make him quite the exception in this industry. After all, just about everyone -- including Research in Motion (RIM), Dell, and Motorola -- are releasing their own versions of the iPad right now. And why not? If any one of those firms can accumulate even a fraction of the 42 million iPads projected to sell between the item's original launch and the end of 2011, then they will have achieved considerable success.
Many experts stunned by the Mundie comments have pointed out Microsoft founder Bill Gates' own proclamation ten years ago that tablets are "virtually without limits" in terms of their potential growth and capabilities.
Good: Entry Level aPads come with processor speeds of less than 533Mhz, 128 MB RAM and 2 GB Internal Hard Drive Excellent for reading ebooks. Most Tablets Pcs in this catergory will have Android OS 1.5 - 1.9.The good news here is that the price point is slightly less than the OEM ebook readers.
Better: This category of M-pad7a aPads come with processor speeds from 533MHz to 900 Mhz, 256MB RAM and and 2 GB Internal Hard Drive. Excellent for internet browsing, watching movies on Youtube and note taking.Best: These M-pad7a aPads are usually 10 inch, but there are some powerful 7'apads out there that compete with the Apple iPads. Any iPad with at least 1GHz (1024MHz), 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal drive with Android 2.1 or higher are considered the ones to get if you are a serious mutlimedia user. Watching HD movies is a wonderful experience on these devices.
I did not put any price points for these classifications because the cost will always drop as new products are released.
On a final note, it is important to determine your needs before selecting the right desktop, laptop or tablet pc. Android aPads, like the iPad or any other tablet will not support all the applications out there, but it is increasing getting better by the day.
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No Room Between Smartphones and Laptops

So, what does Mundie think is a better product than the tablet? Simply put, Mundie believes either smartphones or laptops will fair better. The Microsoft exec just doesn't think there's much room between these two well-established tech items to put a tablet PC at a better advantage.
Beyond that, Mundie had some rather abstract and ambiguous tech predictions for us, telling the Herald: "I believe the successor to the desktop is the room, that instead of thinking Hp dv2000 laptop battery that the computer is just something on the desk that you go and sit in front of [in the] future, basically the whole room is the computer and you go in it."

