
Electronics Wholesale News - Recycle Your old rechargeable batteries

Recycle Your old rechargeable batteries By wholesaleeshop.com.au

Laptop batteries are crucial when working on the road. To get maximum performance from your laptop battery, fully optimize the laptop's power management features prior to use. However, there is a trade off when setting your laptop power management. 
You will achieve better power conservation in exchange for lesser computing performance. The power management system conserves the laptop batteries power by setting the processor to run at a slower speed, dimming the laptop screen, slowing down the hard drive when it's not in use and causing the machine to go into sleep or suspend mode when it is inactive. Your laptop user's guide will provide information relating to specific power management features.
Are you saving those old rechargeable tool batteries that have lost their juice?  Do you have a slew of old cell phones hanging out in the junk drawer? Well clear the clutter this weekend and bring them to your favorite Home Depot store and recycle them!
Since 2001, The Home Depot has collaborated with Call2Recycle/RBRC to provide consumers a convenient way to properly recycle their rechargeable batteries and cell phones for free.  Since we’ve launched this recycling program, over 2.4 million lbs. of Dell gk479 batteries and cell phones have been recycled since 2001- that’s equivalent to the weight of 240 school buses!
Call2Recycle/RBRC is a non-profit recycling organization funded by members of the rechargeable battery and portable electronic product industry.
How You Can Participate:You can conveniently recycle your expired (non-leaking) rechargeable batteries and cell phones for free via the recycling fixture located near the returns desk of any participating Home Depot store*.
Simply bag the expired rechargeable battery or cell phone with provided bags and place in the recycling fixture. Bagging the batteries helps protect against battery ends touching and ensures safe shipment to the recycler.
Rechargeable Dell d640 batteries and cell phones are then sent to a Call2Recycle partner for recycling.Dell XPS M1730 WG317 Battery
Increase your Laptop Battery Life
Did you know that detaching your main laptop batteries from your laptop would increase your laptop's battery life up to 75%? Our experience and testing have shown that even when you are plugged in with your laptop ac adapter and your battery is fully charged, the laptop will still use the laptop battery resources in small increments. This will put unnecessary charge cycles to your battery. Since typical li-ion laptop batteries have 375 charge cycles, having a fully charged battery inserted will put unnecessary charge cycles. The downside to removing your laptop battery maybe a loss of power when the ac adapter is accidentally unplugged or when there is a power outage.
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