
Apple’s tablet Working for Art by wholesaleeshop.com.au

The iPad and iPad 2 have pioneered a new type of digital artistry. With a large touch-sensitive screen at your disposal, Apple’s tablet was always likely to be rich pickings for arty types. We pick out some of best from artists young and old. It truly is the people’s canvas.

Finger Painting

Artist David Jon Kassan wanted to show how flexible and powerful the iPad Tablet PC could be in the right
(i.e. talented and patient) hands. He set up this demonstration in his Brooklyn studio, where he streamed a live broadcast of him “finger painting” a portrait of some wizened old chap. Using the Brushes app, it took Kassan three hours to produce a really quite stunning piece of artwork. Oh, and he answered questions on how he used the app and the iPad while he was doing it.
Anyone else feeling like a bit of talentless, uncultured cave man about now?

Light Painting

The great thing about the iPad and iPad 2 is that they’ve opened up new forms of art that are quite removed from the more traditional painting techniques featured elsewhere on this page. Light painting is one such form that has taken off in recent months. The idea is to use pre-programmed 2D shapes and formations to “paint” 3D light messages and shapes Dell inspiron mini 9 laptop battery in the air using long exposure camera techniques. The result is a ghostly and really quite beautiful effect.This video from Dentsu London shows off the technique brilliantly. Just skip to around 1:35 if you want to avoid the marketing blurb and how the magical effect is achieved.

David Hockney

At 73 years of age, you might think that the esteemed British artist David Hockney would be ready to retire to an easel in his native Yorkshire. Not so. After discovering the joys of the Brushes app on iPhone – which prompted him to send regular digital sketches to his friends – it didn’t take much persuasion for him to hop to the bigger canvas provided by the iPad.
We can imagine this is one gentleman of pensionable age who’s looking forward to the iPad 3′s high-def screen more than most. Check out one of Hockney’s iPad creations from a recent Paris show.

Kiddy fridge art

We now step from the sublime to the ridiculous, and from the workings of a veteran professional artist to the scrawlings of a normal little kid. We like this for the concept as much as the art itself. It’s occurred to people that the iPad 2 is light enough and the Smart Cover’s magnets strong enough to create the world’s most improbable, powerful and expensive fridge magnet. Naturally, the chief thing you’ll want to show off as a parent is your kid’s artistic Asus a42-m6 batteriesefforts. Check out this example from one of the many Apple blogs out there. It provokes a unique mixture of joy and fear as we think about the way we sling our fridge door around…
Tags:Apple’s tablet,Working,Art,Touch Screen,LCD Monitors,cheap laptop batteries
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