
The reason for why Smart Batteries May Leave Laptop

If you're looking for security vulnerabilities on you laptop, there's a new spot to check: the battery.
The embedded controllers on laptop batteries are hackable, a researcher says, because some manufacturers -- including Apple -- do not change the passwords that prevent changes to the smart battery system's firmware according to an investigation of Apple laptop batteries carried out by security researcher Charlie Miller.
The data, which will be presented by veteran security researcher Charlie Miller at the Black Hat Conference next week, found that Apple batteries have two fixed passwords that allow the company to update the laptop component's firmware. Unfortunately, those passwords also make the smart battery system hackable.
Miller, a senior security consultant at Accuvant, took apart the batteries, identified their components, and found that batteries sold by Apple have a default password to unlock them and another discoverable password to allow access to the firmware.
With those two passwords known, eavesdropping on the communications between the laptop and the battery -- and running your own programs -- are both possible, he says.
"I definitely completely destroyed that first and most important layer of defense," Miller says. "The main brains of the operation is this chip, and I can control that now."
In a white paper on the research, Miller described the smart battery system as consisting of three chips, two of which protect against potential electrical problems. In addition, each battery cell has a thermal cutoff fuse that physically cuts power to and from the cell if its temperature rises too high.
The batteries are shipped in a locked down, or "sealed," mode, but the default password in the battery manufacturer's specification allows the battery to be unsealed, Miller says. In By reverse-engineering a MacBook battery update, Miller found the password that gives full access to the system.
While Miller limited his investigation to MacBook batteries, the research may apply to other non-Apple laptops as well. He tested a single off-market battery, however, and found that the manufacturer used a non-default password, limiting his ability to hack the system.
Miller had no problem bricking the batteries, but he failed in his original plan: to make laptop batteries overheat or even explode.
"I can definitely make it so the battery doesn't respond anymore," he says. "I did that seven times already."
In the end, Miller found he could rewrite the smart battery firmware to make the battery respond as an attacker wanted. He theorized that a program could be placed on the battery to allow malware to survive a clean install of a system, making the battery one more place to hide persistent attacks.
While Miller's research did not result in any "explosive" vulnerabilities, the research shows that investigating hardware components can bear fruit, even for software hackers, says Joe Grand, principal electrical engineer for Grand Idea Studio and a noted hardware hacker.
"The one thing that Charlie's work really exemplifies is this blending of hardware and software," Grand says. "To do hardware hacking, you don't have to be a hardware guy anymore, you can be a software guy. All these embedded systems are just small software systems, small computers."
It's unlikely that attackers will start focusing on laptop batteries, however. There's no real profit motive in bricking laptop batteries, says Grand.
"Whether attacking a battery is a worthwhile endeavor or not remains to be seen," he says. "Most malicious people are going to do things that make them money."

Tags:  Why, Smart  Batteries, Leave, Laptop Users, Vulnerable, Hp Pavilion DV9000 akku, Samsung P50 akku

How to buy Holiday Laptop by wholesaleeshop

Many people select to purchase a laptop online, where shoppers can find a wider preference and typically descend prices. That’s fine, but you unequivocally shouldn’t purchase a new P.C. steer secret if you can prevent it. Write down the names of a few of the models you’re meddlesome in, along with a couple of records about because they held your eye, and head to your local big-box wiring store or featured item P.C. shop. See if the store has manifestation units of any of the systems you’re considering, or at least very identical models by the same manufacturer. Try the keyboard–can you sort simply on it? Is the touchpad a suffering to use? Does the shade look good? If the laptop you wish to purchase has a shiny screen, look at other models with shiny screens and establish either you may pick that look over a matte, antiglare finish.
Pick up the laptop you wish to buy, and weigh its heft. Close the lid and see if the size is something you can fit in to your selected bag (don’t obviously put it in a bag, of course, unless you wish safety all over you). Bear in thoughts that many manifestation notebooks in stores have the battery removed, that creates them appear extremely lighter.
Once you have a feel for your preferred laptop (or a very identical one), you can return home and purchase online with confidence. If you’re buying in a brick-and-mortar store, you may wish to inquire if the tradesman has any sales forthcoming up, or at least call around to not similar stores to see that one has the most appropriate price. Or use your smartphone to examine the ultimate prices online, and see how aggressive the in-store cost is. The store you pick might even tie in the cost of a local competitor.
Let’s say that the laptop you wish to purchase comes with 2GB of RAM but is expandable to 4GB or more. You might be able to save a few allowance if you ascent the laptop’s RAM yourself instead of buying the 4GB choice from the manufacturer. See how sufficient more it expenses to purchase the appurtenance with 4GB, and compare that with buying the RAM not together and installing it (the charge typically requires stealing usually a couple of screws and about 5 mins of your time–it’s easy to do on most laptops today).
Naturally, you’ll have to do a small homework first. Make sure that the laptop has an void RAM hollow (ask a sales repute if you’re not sure), and find out what sort and speed of RAM you’ll need. If all of this seems intimidating, it’s okay–just purchase the network with the RAM upgrade. Your time and disappointment are value usually so much.
If you’ll need a free battery, select one that is especially done to work with your specific model of laptop. It’s not a bad thought to purchase the battery correct when you purchase the PC–especially if you’re buying online, where an additional battery may be offering as an option. Use warning if you purchase an aftermarket battery from a producer other than the one that done the laptop: Some of these batteries are labelled unequivocally good but store reduction energy. Read user reviews and explanation about third-party batteries delicately to ensure you’re not sacrificing battery life to save a couple of bucks.
As for outmost visual drives, do not feel thankful to purchase one from the producer of the laptop. External visual drives that link up around USB are normally universal, so look around for a good price.
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Among other laptop accessories, consider buying a small, wireless journey mouse. Even the most appropriate touchpad may be a hassle at times, and you can find tons of compact, battery-operated wireless mice that are especially written to journey with a laptop. If you wish to use a laptop mouse on an airplane, however, be wakeful that wireless versions are banned by the FAA–you’ll need a connected model for use in-flight.

You can probably prevent spending cash on a specialized laptop bag or carrying case, that sell stores frequently spot up quite a lot. Unless you confront a great bargain, or you find a special box done just is to scarcely considerable or small laptop you’re buying, bide your time. Buying a unequivocally great bag is a entire other routine in itself–don’t obtain something you’ll finish up hating just because it’s judicious and convenient.
If the peddler tries to pull other folderol on you, similar to shade wipes, vacant discs, and additional cables, just say “no thanks.” These things roughly always bring a high markup in stores, and you’re usually improved off buying them online if you do not think you need them correct away.
If, after going hands-on with a couple of laptops, you’re just not sure either you need a faster processor, dedicated graphics, or more RAM, take the leap. Nobody ever complained that their laptop was as well swift , but spending the next couple of years working on an annoyingly slow laptop will obtain aged in a hurry. Expect program to turn ever more resource-hungry over time, too; the applications that you will use next year will expected be a small more rigorous than what you use today. And if you have an HDTV or are deliberation buying one in the future, an HDMI outlay on the laptop may advance in handy.

Tags: Top Tips, buy, Holiday Laptop, wholesaleeshopTouch Screen LCD Panel


Tips to prevent Laptop Battery from Hacked | Battery Wiki

How do we solve the battery problem? The best way is to buy a new original battery, but now a new original Vostro 1320 battery or even a few thousand dollars, to spend so much money is too high, exceeding the carrying capacity of many consumers.


Top important laptop repair tips using by akkuschnell.de

Laptop computers have become quite advantageous for those who want to carry their daily work with them anywhere while on the go. With a laptop, one can easily access their files and daily computer activities. Nowadays, laptop has become a necessity, everyone wants one and you can see everyone using them almost everywhere. The portability has given everyone an advantage in accessing their personal information and documents whenever it is required. This portable computer is widely used due to its ability to save power and easy accessibility.
However, there could be a number of software or hardware problems or malicious threats which can stop it to work properly. Resolving these problems on your own might be a challenge sometimes for a computer novice. In this article we will discuss some important laptop repair tips using which you can easily make your laptop work perfectly.
1. Registry errors are the common cause for degrading the performance of a laptop. If you uninstall a program from your laptop, the entries of that program are not deleted from the computer memory. For this reason it is always recommended to clean your registry regularly. For this, you can also avail online technical support from a remote computer service provider.
2. In most of the cases, it is seen that when the laptop is fully charged, the users just pull out the cable before switching off the switch. This should be avoided as it affects the laptop badly. Once the laptop is fully charged, firstly, switch off the power and then remove the plug.
3. Laptops are very sophisticated devices, so using a laptop in extreme hot or cold temperature should be avoided. This not only affects your laptop performance but also affects the components and may also corrupt them. Due to this reason, you may experience auto shutdown or slow speed. Thus, you should not avoid using your laptop in a place where humidity is high.
4. Fragmentation also causes your system speed to slow down. To protect your computer from slow speed issue, you defragment and clean your hard disk once in a month. This will increase your laptop performance and result in smooth computing. If you are unable to defragment the system hard drives then you can take disk defragmentation support from a technical support company.
5. When your computer starts, some unnecessary programs also start automatically which increases the boot time of the system. You can reduce the boot up time of your laptop by removing these auto-run programs.
6. For best laptop performance, you should regularly optimize your system by using a reputed PC Optimizer software. This can enhance the performance and speed of your laptop.

Tags: Quick Tips, Laptop computers, Repaired, toshiba pa3399u-2brs akkuDell Latitude D820 akku

iPhone 5 rumors - bigger, expanding the screen from 3.5 inches

iPhone 5 rumors say that the next iteration of Apples iconic cell phone/personal organizer/awesome lifestyle accessory will be bigger, expanding the screen from 3.5 inches to four inches with the same overall case size. Images of the iPhone 5 were leaked to a British blog,Mobile Fun, by two different Chinese case manufacturers.

Expanding the screen without changing the size of the phone was done by shrinking the border around the screen to nothing. The case also will be curved, according to the rumors, unlike the more square construction used in the iPhone 4.
It's also expected that the antenna will be redone--perhaps as part of the logo--after the iPhone 4's side antenna problems. In the iPhone 4, the antenna wouldn't work if the phone was held in one hand so that the hand touched both sides. This led to Apple providing free phone cases to all iPhone 4 owners.
It also looks like Apple has found a way to make the iPhone 5 completely buttonless. Instead of the single button on the front, there's now a touch-sensitive area, which could be used for more functions, including multi-touch gestures.
Rumors about Apple products regularly appear, as the company does not release details about new products until it announces them. Sometimes, the rumors are accurate. Many other times, however, the rumors turn out to be completely wrong.
There is still no firm date for an iPhone 5 release, although some rumors (again) suggest it could happen by the second week in September.
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The China Times also says that it expects a release in September and claims that an initial order of four million units has been placed with Chinese manufacturers. The web site Mac Rumors says that The China Times has a spotty record with Apple-related rumors, but that the news outlet has good relations with Chinese manufacturers.
The tipster sent the site pictures of a man whom he claims was an Apple employee, hunched over using a new device that matched previous descriptions of what the iPhone 5 may look like.
9to5 Mac contacted the tipster after receiving the pictures and to verify the authenticity of the claims. According to the site the claim was credible and it is believed the picture shows a prototype model of the iPhone 5.
“He told us he was able to get a very good look at the device but the pictures he snapped did not do it justice,” wrote Seth Weintraub on 9to5 Mac.

The site claims the tipster owned an iPhone 4 and 3GS and what he saw clearly was not either one of those, nor was it an iPod Touch since the backing was black with an Apple logo, a look not fitting the appearance of the Touch. They also state the device he saw was too thin and flat to be an iPhone 3GS and too rounded to be an iPhone 4.
At first the tipster doubted that what he saw was the iPhone 5, but when he came home and saw pictures the site posted for possible cases designed for the device he was convinced what he saw was legitimate.
The site describes the device he saw as “Almost Evolike” in screen size, and that this phone is considerably thinner than the iPhone 4. The edges of it are rounded metal like the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but could still be used as an antenna.
The tipster was not able to see the front/home button because the man using the device had his fingers over the area where it usually is located on previous iPhones.
The tipster also claimed it was apparent that the man was trying to hide the device he was using from the average smart phone user.

Tags: First, Look, iPhone 5, Sighting, Wholesale Eelctronics Newshp nx5000 akku 

Battery Wiki Need Know about Battery Recycling Rules and Regulations

Regardless of whether you're looking to clean out a storage closet, free-in the junk drawer, or simply plain generate a move wonderful for the ambiance a there's a means to acquire it completed.

From ten a.m. to noon, This summer season 30, Keller Williams True estate Sunset Corridor will host a completely no cost recycling collection in Beaverton. Recycling providers will probably be supplied by E-Tech Recycling, an environment technologies business with headquarters in Hillsboro.


Top tips to help you take better photos with your iPhone

The best camera is the one you have with you. These days, the camera most people have with them is their mobile phone. Even though I have a decent DSLR, most of the photos in my library have been taken with my iPhone. Here are some tips to help you take better photos with that device.

1. Know and accept the camera’s limits
I love minor league baseball. Whenever I go see my local club, I’ve gotten into the habit of sending out a photo of my view to friends. The iPhone is great at this, general photos of the ballpark. However, the iPhone is not going to capture a close-up of the slide into second. Unless you’re the second baseman.
While the iPhone has gotten much better at low-light photography, it’s still not all that great so make sure you’ve got good light on your subject. I also recommend keeping the flash off all the time (not on auto) and manually turning it on when you think you need it.
That said, sometimes the only way to capture a memory is to take the darn photo anyway, regardless of quality. Don’t let subpar conditions get you down.
2. Keep the camera steady
Lock your elbows to your body. Hold the iPhone with both hands about 12 inches from your face. I usually twist my hips slightly, bend my knees a little and put my weight slightly on my back leg. Making sure the camera doesn’t jiggle is key to a good photo. Take the photo with your thumb; don’t stab at it with your finger. This will be slightly easier in iOS 5 when you can use the volume buttons to snap a picture. If possible, rest your elbows on a firm object like a railing.
Speaking of railings, a good accessory to have is the Gorilla Mobile for iPhone. This flexible tripod is great to wrap around railings, plop on car hoods, your buddy’s head or just about any object. If you’re using an app that supports self-timers, you can use this to get in the photo, too.
I also recommend getting the Apple bumper case to help you get a grip. A naked iPhone is damn slippery. Ignoring this advice myself, I almost subjected my iPhone to a fall from a roof taking a picture when it jumped from my hand.
3. Get their heads together
The iPhone is great for taking candid shots. The problem is, most people aren’t good at having their pictures taken. When taking pictures of a happy couple, make sure their heads are touching. If you don’t it’ll look there’s a space between their heads you can drive a truck through. If you’re taking pictures of an unhappy couple, make sure you goad them and really get them going. You’ll get a much better picture when they’re swinging at each other.
Basically, just do your best to get your subjects closer together than you think you need to in any situation.
4. Your feet are the best zoom
You know that slider that lets you set the zoom level on your iPhone? Forget it exists. If you need to get closer to your target, walk. Ok, if you’re at the ball park you’ll need to stop at the railing. The digital zoom is a zoom of last resort. Because it’s a digital zoom and not an optical zoom, you’re going to get some pixelation. Like I said earlier, if you’re trying to capture a quick memory, work with what you’ve got and don’t sweat it. But if you have an extra couple of seconds, just put one foot in front of the other until you’re close enough.
5. Free yourself of the default camera app
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The stock camera app is great for zomg the cat is doing some cute and I need to take a picture right, right NOW. I have no hate for the default app; it occupies the place of honor in my upper left-hand corner. It’s not, however, always the best tool for the job. There are three apps I recommend to help you take better pictures.

Camera + ($1.99) If you’re at all serious about taking better iPhone pictures, I can’t recommend Camera + enough. It has a grid for framing your shots, a timer, and the ability to stabilize and take burst shots. There are also a slew of filters you can apply after you’ve snapped your shot. Depending on your viewpoint, the fact that images are stored in Camera+’s own lightroom-style sandbox until you export is either good or bad. Bad if you keep forgetting to export it. Good if you’re a congressman still getting the hang of Twitter, and want yet another chance to review your shots before sending them anywhere.
Synthcam (free) I first heard about this from Andy Ihnatko when it was his pick on MacBreak Weekly. It’s an interesting idea: instead of using the high-resolution still camera, Synthcam uses the lower-resolution video camera to take a long-exposure shot (you can choose how long). It then determines what moved during the exposure and what didn’t, and performs some kind of magic to make a crisp image of the static components. What this does is give you the ability to take pictures in low light without a lot of noise. I haven’t tested it much, but for free you can’t go wrong.
just.SelfTimer (free) If you read the title of this app and thought it would be a self-timer camera app… well, you’d be correct. This app isn’t going to necessarily help you take better pictures, but it will help make sure you’re in more of them. The app will take a picture on 3, 5, or 10 second countdown. One benefit to using an app like this is when you hand your iPhone to someone to take a picture of you. Instead of explaining where to press (and have them jiggle the camera), you can set the timer, hand it to them, and strike your pose.
Any other tips for how to get the most out of your iPhone’s still fairly limited camera?

Tags: Tips, how to, get, most out, iPhone, Picture, hp presario 3000 akku asus eee pc 701 akku

Top Tips for keeping your Mac cool under pressure

After upgrading to Lion on my early 2008 15″ MacBook Pro, I started to notice that the computer was hot to the touch. Really hot. So I started measuring the internal temperature of my Macs to see if there was anything to be truly alarmed about.

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It turns out that Mac Intel chips have a built-in feature called THERMTRIP that will temporarily suspend the CPU when things get hot, and shut down the CPU altogether when things get too hot. Speculation is that this temperature is somewhere in the neighborhood of 120-130ºC. While my Macs did not reach three digit temperatures, the increase did alarm me. Luckily, as you can see, the temperatures settled down to a normal range after a few days. This is likely due to the machines running a lot of initial tasks like Spotlight indexing of your entire drive just after the Lion upgrade.
Still, if you, like me, are concerned and want to do something a little more proactive than just waiting, here are a few precautionary measures you can take:
iStat Pro Dashboard Widget. One of the first (and lately the only dashboard widgets) I installed is iSlayer’s iStat Pro. This widget will allow you to monitor several of your Mac’s vital statistics, and with the optional companion iOS app, you can monitor your Mac from your iPhone when you’re attached to the same Wi-Fi network. Information reported includes systems various temperatures, and the speed of your Mac’s internal fans. The problem is that as your Mac keeps getting hotter, your fans aren’t spinning faster, something for which we turn to the next tool.
smcFanControl Menu utility for Mac. To manually modify the speed of your internal fans, you can install Hendrik Holtmann’s smcFanControl. For some of the older Macs that are still technically capable of running OS X 10.7 Lion, you may find that they are having some difficulty keeping up at times, and the default fan speed just will not provide the relief required. This menu bar item will allow you to change the minimum fan speed and effectively take control of just how fast your fan will blow. I created two custom settings: a midrange setting at 4000 RPM, and a high setting at 6000 RPM and will turn them on when I see things get a little too hot. I then set things back to Apple’s default levels once things cool down.
Purchase a laptop stand. Proper ventilation is key to allowing your Mac to cool down under normal conditions. Placing your laptop on a pillow or blanket because it is running hot may do more harm than good, especially if you end up blocking the vents that are trying to expel all that hot air. My personal favorite is the Cooling Bar from Just Mobile for $39.95US.  I find it convenient to carry with me and easy to set up.  Just Mobile has other stands for your MacBook as well. And if you tend to keep your Macbook closed when at a desk, consider Twelve South’s BookArc Pro for $49.99 U.S.
Let us know if you have other tips for keeping your Mac cool under pressure, or if you’re seeing temperature spikes under Lion that last beyond the first few days.

Tags: The Reason, why, Mac, run, hot, Lion, cheap laptop batteryCheap LCD Monitor

Share Tips about the replacement laptop battery life by bestlaptopbattery.co.uk

When you have last but not least made the decision to buy s new alternative battery for the notebook you need to guarantee how the producer features a reputable reputation. when the battery is produced through the maker from the notebook then you certainly can sleep assured how the battery are heading to be reliable.


Toshiba Thrive contrast to the iPad and most of the other competition

Ever since iPad fever forever altered the landscape for tablet computers, the onus has been on rivals to come up with something to make their slates stand out. The differentiating factor for the Toshiba Thrive, which recently went on sale, is in how this Android contender might ease the transition from laptop to tablet.
That's because Thrive, in stark contrast to the iPad and most of the other competition, adds features common to laptops but not the current crop of tablets.
This Android tablet has a full-size USB port you can use to connect flash drives with pictures, videos music and documents. There's a full-size SD slot as well to accommodate memory cards that serve the same purpose. An HDMI port with an optional cable lets you connect Thrive to a high-definition TV monitor for viewing on the big screen.
The battery is removable, too, though prying off the back cover is a challenge. There's a computer-like file manager program for managing content on the device. The Web browser supports Adobe Flash video with mixed success.
Toshiba says its "computing continuity" approach reflects a long-term view of the tablet space. The company envisions a future family of tablets that will work nicely with other Toshiba products, including computers and TVs.
The future is all well and good. But would-be buyers have a decision to make today. And folks who appreciate laptop features might, well, stick to a standard laptop. So Thrive has to thrive as a stand-alone tablet. Along those lines it's generally a solid choice. But in my view it's no equal to an iPad or a recent newcomer such as the HP TouchPad tablet. Other observations:
The basics. Thrive runs version 3.1 of Google's Honeycomb operating system for tablets, with five customizable home screens. It has a 10.1-inch backlit display, and 1 GHz dual-core mobile processor. The model I tested has 32 gigabytes of memory and costs $579.99. The entry model, with 8 GB of storage, costs $429.99, or about $70 cheaper than the least expensive iPad. A more direct comparison is a Thrive with 16 GB, same as that low-end iPad. It commands $479.99.
The first Thrive models are Wi-Fi only. Toshiba hasn't announced any cellular partnerships, though it has promised a 3G model late in the year. Toshiba's reasoning for going Wi-Fi only initially is that most people use tablets at home. That may be true, but I use tablets in transit all the time, and I found the lack of a cellular option frustrating during a commute in which I had to rely on spotty coverage from the MiFi card in my pocket.
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On the front of the tablet is a 2-megapixel webcam and microphone. On the back is a 5-megapixel camera that can capture high-definition video (up to the 720p HD standard).
Design. One of the first things you notice is how thick the tablet is, an accommodation to those full-size ports (not to mention a mini-USB port). Thrive is longer than the iPad 2; you get a bit more screen as a result. At 1.6 pounds it's also a tad heavier. But not so heavy or bulky that it is unwieldy to carry or use. The HP TouchPad I've praised also has extra girth. On the Thrive, a ridged, rubberized back makes it especially easy to grip. You can swap out the back panel for optional $19.99 cover back plates or to get at the battery.
The app story. You can tap into Google's Android Market to purchase or fetch free apps, though there are far fewer tablet-specific apps compared with the iPad. Toshiba has also added its own App Place store, but there's no dedicated movie or video store. There is a Toshiba Book Place app that lets you buy and search for books. It lacks reviews or the kind of detail you'd find say in the Kindle or Barnes & Noble stores. And Book Place crashed on me. On the plus side, a synthesized voice can read kids' books aloud as words are highlighted.
Toshiba also includes trial versions of other apps, which I found annoying more than anything. For example, the supplied PrinterShare app lets you wirelessly print from the tablet; it worked fine in my tests. The problem is you can only print five pages before you must spend $12.95 to unlock the premium version that lets you keep on printing. The EA Sports Need For Speed racing game that was on the Thrive was also a teaser version.
Power and performance. Toshiba promises up to 11 hours of battery life. But my test, cranking up the brightness to about 75% while running frequent streaming video over Wi-Fi, yielded closer to 7½ hours. You'll do better on an iPad.

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Survey discovered Apple iOS be the favorite mobile operating system to iPhone 5

A recent survey of about 3,000 people discovered that a majority of consumers will purchase the next-generation iPhone, no questions asked, compared to other smartphones being released or currently available.
Anonymous consumers in the Experian PriceGrabber survey were asked if they would purchase the iPhone 5 and a whopping thirty-five percent surveyed said they definitely would, no matter what. This same survey also discovered that forty-eight percent choose Apple iOS as their favorite mobile operating system compared to nineteen percent for Google's Android and a dismal six percent for Research In Motion's (RIM) BlackBerry.
However, despite the "smart" factor of these smartphones the survey also found out that eighty-eight percent of consumers still use their phones generally for calls and seventy-seven percent said they used their smartphones mostly for email--regardless of what brand they use.
Wired tries to explain this cult behavior with Apple products, which saw a surge in popularity when the first generation iPhone was released. As Christina Bonnington of Wired explains, "Apple's well-curated, well-populated App Store presents consumers with a wide variety of quality apps to choose from. Other app stores still just don't stack up..."
Bonnington also brought up the fact of the "easy convenience" of Apple's actual stores, which can offer guidance and troubleshooting appointments for customers.
Meanwhile, RIM is slashing 2,000 jobs, San Francisco Chronicle reports, in response to the growing market for the iPhone and dwindling popularity for the BlackBerry, which initially held the majority of the smartphone market. Comparing market share in the United States, however, ComScore discovered Android was the top mobile operating system during the first quarter of 2011 and the iPhone was third.
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Now, the iPhone continues to grow at a steady pace. Apple's record breaking profits for the recent quarter also reinforce the fact that the iPhone is eating away at Android and BlackBerry's share.
While the iPhone was able to hold its own at Verizon, achieving significant US growth for Apple without significantly blunting AT&T's sales, Apple's most intense growth came from outside the US, as noted in charts presented by Asymco.
The site calculates non-US iPhone sales as being all reported iPhone sales minus the number of reported activation by AT&T and Verizon. However, there is a delay between sales and activations, so this "non US" number also includes the entire inventory of iPhones held by AT&T and Verizon which are waiting to be sold to end users and then activated.
Even so, the growth in iPhone sales independent from US carrier activations indicates that Apple's efforts to aggressively expand its international carrier network is paying of dramatically. Sales of iPhones outside the US passed the halfway mark back at the end of 2007, and have inched upward since, leaving US sales at around 30 percent of Apple's total iPhone market.

Tags: iPhone 5, favorite, mobile, operating system, Apple iOS,Touch ScreenAcer Aspire 5520 akku

Solved details about Laptop battery problems

Laptop battery problems can take on many forms, and often the user is clueless that anything is wrong with the battery until the laptop just fails to start up one day. Below are some thoughts on what forms laptop battery problems take, what factors contribute to them and what you can do about them.


Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 will sell through Verizon

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The 4G version of the Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 will hit Verizon Wireless stores Thursday and run just $30 more than the already released wi-fi-only version -- that is, as long as you sign up for a two-year data plan.
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The Galaxy Tab 10.1 4G, available with either a white or dark gray plastic back, will sell through Verizon (with a two-year 4G contract) for $529.99 for the 16-gigabyte model and $629.99 for the 32-gigabyte model, said Ken Muche, a Verizon spokesman.
The wi-fi-only version of the 16-gigabyte model sells for $499.99 while the wi-fi-only 32-gigabyte version sells for $599.99.
Without a 2-year 4G-LTE data plan, the carrier will sell the 4G-capable Galaxy Tab 10.1 at iPad-3G-matching prices that are $100 more than than with a contract -- $629.99 for the 16-gigabyte model and $729.99 for the 32-gigabyte model, Verizon's website said.
Meanwhile, some owners of the Motorola Xoom tablet may be feeling a bit burned right about now. The Xoom went on sale through Verizon in February with 3G connectivity and the promise of a soon-to-come free 4G-LTE upgrade from Motorola and Verizon (which will eventually require Xoom owners to mail in their tablets to get 4G antennas installed).
Well, it's now July and the 4G upgrade for the Xoom still hasn't rolled around. No word yet from Verizon or Motorola as to when the Xoom is expected to catch up to the Galaxy Tab in the 4G regard.
The Galaxy Tab 10.1 runs Android 3.1, or Honeycomb, and its display size is similar to the 9.7-in. iPad.
The 10.1 is 8.6 millimeters thick, a bit smaller than the 8.8 mm iPad, making it the thinnest tablet on the market. It's also the lightest model at 1.25 lbs.
LTE is potentially a big selling point for the Galaxy Tab 10.1. The system is designed to provide download speeds of 5 to 12 Mbps and upload speeds of 2 to 5 Mbps in Verizon's LTE coverage areas.
The LTE versions also support Wi-Fi networks.

Tags: Galaxy Tab 10.1, hit, Verizon Wireless, stores, laptop batteryibm thinkpad r61 akku

Transparent lithium-ion batteries could leap electronic gadgets

Flexible, transparent lithium-ion batteries have been made by a team of researchers at Stanford University in California, a technological leap that could spawn see-through electronic gadgets such as translucent iPads.
Many electronic components can be fabricated to be transparent, but so far this hasn't been possible for the power supply, says materials scientist Yi Cui, who led the work, which is published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Batteries are normally made up of a pair of electrodes separated by an electrolytic solution, with something to conduct the current to an external circuit, and packaging to hold it all together. But only the electrolyte is naturally transparent, says Cui. And to make matters worse, he says, these components need to be piled on top of each other, which means all of them must be clear for the device to be transparent.
Nothing to see here
While transparent materials can easily be found for the casing and conductors, the electrodes tend to be naturally opaque. Cui's solution was to make the components so small that they are beyond the resolution of human eyes. This is done by creating each electrode out of a very fine mesh, instead of a solid sheet or rod of the material. Because no individual strand within the mesh is wider than 35 micrometers, they are too small for the eye to detect and so when stacked they appear transparent, much like looking through two very fine sieves.
Creating such tiny features out of active electrode materials is tricky, says Cui. Lithographic fabrication techniques are capable of creating structures at this scale but these processes involve using solvents that would be harmful to the electrodes.
So Cui's group used microfabrication techniques to first create a grid pattern mould out of silicon. Then a 100-micrometre-thick layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a flexible, transparent polymer, was applied using a technique called electro-spinning. When the PDMS was removed from the silicon an aqueous slurry solution containing the active electrode material was applied to it, which filled the grid-like trenches to form a mesh, says Cui.
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Cui and his colleagues show that they can create lithium-ion batteries that let 60% of the light that hit them pass right through, and an energy density of 10 watt-hours per liter. "That's very transparent," says Cui. Not as good as glass, but clear enough to read text through.
Low density
But 10 watt-hours per liter is a low energy density. The energy densities of conventional Lithium-ion batteries are typically an order of magnitude greater than this, says Hiroyuki Nishide, a chemist at Waseda University in Tokyo, whose own group is working on a type of transparent battery that uses nitroxide radicals as charge carriers.

Cui agrees, but says it should be relatively easy to push the energy density to roughly half that of conventional batteries. Making the electrode meshes deeper will increase the volume of the active material and the amount of stored energy without making the battery any more visible, he says.
Besides the aesthetic appeal of creating transparent gadgets, this sort of battery could also help reduce the size of portable devices, says Nishide. For example integrating the power supplies of smart phones within their displays should make them more compact. But the main innovation here seems to be the fabrication technique, which may not be limited to just lithium-ion batteries. This strategy seems pretty versatile and may be applicable to a range of different battery types, says Nishide.

Tags:  Lithium-Ion Batteries, lead, transparent device,  Touch Screen LCD Monitors,  LCD Monitor

Apple Macbook Laptop Battery vulnerable to firmware hack by Battery Care Gudie

Security researcher Charlie Miller, widely known for his work on Mac OS X and Apple's iOS, has discovered an interesting method that enables him to completely disable the batteries on Apple laptops, making them permanently unusable, and perform a number of other unintended actions. The method, which involves accessing and sending instructions to the chip housed on smart batteries could also be used for more malicious purposes down the road.