
Mac OS X Lion beta reveals Restart to Safari

MacRumors was digging through the latest developer beta of Mac OS X Lion when it found a rather intriguing new option -- if you choose "Restart to Safari" on the user lock screen, the computer will reboot into a mode which consists entirely of the web browser. If that sounds familiar, perhaps you've heard of Google's Chrome OS, a partially-fledged operating system that runs within the browser itself... but we haven't heard Apple express a desire for any such thing. Now, certainly we've seen a number of Windows desktops and laptops ship with a secondary, browser-centric OS like Splashtop in order to have an instant-on mode, but if you have to boot and reboot the computer to get to Safari, that doesn't sound like much of an improvement. Perhaps it's a way to let guests (or children) entertain themselves without giving them access to your files? All we know for certain is that it's a most mysterious option.
Update: But perhaps not as mysterious as we thought -- 9to5 Mac spotted its genesis earlier this week, and it's a bona fide honeypot. If your Mac gets stolen, the idea goes, it'll need to be connected to the internet for you to be able to track it with Find My Mac or perform a remote wipe, so you'll let the thieves browse this guest account to keep them busy without letting them peruse your personal files. Cue the Admiral Ackbar, we suppose.
The European commission made Microsoft "remove" IE from Windows, now Google and Apple are making Web based OS... weird.
I didn't know they could get any more wrong with their articles! This Safari only mode is a recovery mood for Mas OS X Lion, in case you have any problems with the OS you can boot only into Safari without booting in to the OS and search for solutions online or contact for help!
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Its all given on the Apple's website! do they even bother to verify on their own?
I don't think this is a splashtop type of thing. I wonder if Apple sees the writing too and is making their cloudOS steps already. If thats the case then the next gen computer is a done deal. Its all about web delivered (that doesn't mean everything RUNS in the cloud) applications.

I think this sounds handy for those that manage to get a virus or have some other problem. If you can get to the log in screen then you could switch it to browser only mode to try and figure out what's wrong. Most people have smartphones or a second computer though nowadays so it may not be very useful for this application.
This is great news for MacOSX users.  I'd like to see some Lion user polling few months after this is released: Which boot method do you use more often  Choice 1: MacOSX, Choice 2: Safari.  I have the feeling that OS X will be the last major consumer "x86 PC OS"  that Mac will release (I suspect Windows 8 will be the last from MS).  Most tech giants seem to settled on the idea that vast majority of people will be doing their things on mobile devices running on arm/low-power chips with file sync done by the server.  This will ensure all the next generation kids will know nothing about things that are considered basic in PC world today - file systems, disc drives.  Not a big deal I guess.  The previous generation of computer users (pre 80s) needed to know things like compilers - not today.

CloudTags: Mac OS X Lion, beta, reveals, Restart to Safari, Touchscreen MonitorToshiba pa3534u-1bas battery

