
HP's day-to-day operations management will Drop Three Key Execs

Two other exiting HP execs who were hired by former CEO Mark Hurd weren't as fortunate to be asked to join the board. Pete Bocian, 57, hired as executive vice president and chief administrative officer in 2008 -- whose position is being eliminated -- and Randy Mott, 55, executive vice president and chief information officer since 2005, are out effective immediately, HP said. The company is starting a search for Mott's replacement.
Pressure Due to So-So Earnings Reports?
It's probably not a coincidence that changes such as these are being made now, only weeks after a modestly profitable quarterly earnings report showed a sharp dropoff in the year-to-year sales of HP consumer PCs -- a sector upon which the company relies heavily. A corresponding upsurge in the sales in the last year of tablet PCs, mostly from Apple, is considered a major reason for a23 percent drop in consumer PC sales from 2010 to 2011.
With Apple owning a yearlong head start and about 90 percent of the tablet market -- not to mention a flood of Android-based tablets moving swiftly into the market -- HP is running late with its TouchPad tablet, which has received good early reviews but isn't due out until next month.
HP said the moves are "organizational changes that will more closely align its corporate structure with the strategy" that new president and CEO Apotheker revealed back on March 14.
Apotheker, who was with German enterprise software maker SAP for two decades and was hired for the HP CEO job in September 2010, is centralizing the operational corporate leadership around his office by removing some layers of administration -- in this case, Livermore, Mott and Bocian.
For example, HP said that David Donatelli -- who runs a large part of the company as executive vice president of enterprise servers, storage, networking and technology services -- and Bill Veghte, executive vice president of the software division, now will report directly to Apotheker.
Jan Zadak, executive vice president of global sales, also will report to Apotheker. HP said that these executives reporting to Apotheker gives "their respective units greater visibility and support throughout the entire HP organization."
Lastly, two other HP executives have been given additional duties. Todd Bradley, executive vice president of the personal systems group, who was considered a short-list candidate for CEO before Apotheker was hired, will now head up cross-business initiatives focused on expanding HP’s market share in China.
Vyomesh Joshi, current executive vice president of the Imaging and Printing Group, will lead a similar initiative in India.
HP has a solid foundation in WebOS, and laying out exactly what makes the TouchPad unique is the best way to make tablet buyers think twice about an iPad or Android tablet. If this is how HP will market the TouchPad to mainstream consumers next month, it may actually have a chance.

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CloudTags: HP, day-to-day operations, management, Drop, Three Key Execs, Touch ScreeniPad Tablet PC

