
BlackBerry 7 was predicted to come out as the first BlackBerry smartphone

Research In Motion (RIM) seems to be very much just that recently … In Motion! After just coming off a very successful PlayBook Tablet PC launch that saw 50,000 units moved in its first 24 hour period, rumors from some pretty reliable sources have the Canadian smartphone and tablet maker unveiling a new smartphone, the “BlackBerry 7”, as well as a new OS to operate it, as soon as next week. Consumer electronics manufacturers love making big announcements in cozy confines, and RIM is no different.
Next week in Orlando, Florida RIM holds its annual BlackBerry World Conference, the biggest RIM shin-dig of the year, and there is about a 99% chance the new BlackBerry OS will be red-carpeted at that event. Rumors are also pretty clear Dell latitude d830 batteries,Dell latitude d630 battery that a new smartphone will be released, and BlackBerry 7 has been bandied about, but not confirmed.
The OS is thought to be named BlackBerry 6.1, since the current RIM operating system for their smartphones is BlackBerry 6. This info was leaked rather openly from RIM internal sources, probably as an intentional way to build interest. The BlackBerry PlayBook tablet runs on RIM’s BlackBerry Tablet OS, and that doesn’t appear likely to change.
The possible name of the phone was revealed on CrackBerry.com. BlackBerry 7 was predicted to come out as the first BlackBerry smartphone to employ the QNX OS, but that doesn’t appear likely with this new OS announcement. And while they are announcing Dell studio 1535 battery,Dell xps m1530 battery, cool new toys, there is no doubt the new BlackBerry Bold Touch will also be revealed, this according to the gadget blogger BGR.com.
The Bold Touch is being hailed as a successor to the popular Bold 9000, and will most likely offer both GSM and CDMA versions, hitting the market this summer. On the not-so-sure rumor line, we hear that possible announcements of the Curve Touch and Torch2 smartphones may also spring forth from the BlackBerry World Conference next week.
This is a great time for BlackBerry to make a move against both the iOS and Android OSs that have leapfrogged them in the past 6 months, and left them in third place Dell vostro 1510 batteryamong mobile phone OSs, a sector they enjoyed #1 status in for several years. Rolling out two phones this summer, and another new mobile phone and OS immediately after could keep the heat on their mobile OS competitors, who most certainly will be releasing new models as well.
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