
Guide to Make Your Notebook Breathe

Guide to Make Your Notebook Breathe - http://www.wholesaleeshop.com.au
Most people spend so much time looking at their screens that they very rarely look at the laptopitself. Take a careful look at it now and see if you can identify two things:
 1. The cooling fan exhaust port.
 2. The air intake grills.
 These are usually just a set of slots  in the casing that will let air into  the machine. They are not so obvious  and are
 sometime located on the side, but  most likely these days they will be  on the bottom.
Neither part is very exciting to look at, but they are among the most essential parts of your machine. If they are blocked up the machine will shut down very quickly shortly afterwards.Most of the time, this is where the problem lies.
The components inside your laptop generate a lot of heat as they work. Your laptop’s cooling system removes this heat by sucking cool air through the input grills and passing it around all the hot components inside. The resulting hot air is then blown out of the exhaust port. The cooling system does this continuously all the time your machine operates and, as long as nothing happens to interrupt the flow of air, nothing more is needed to keep the machine cool
The trouble is that, shortly after they discover that alaptop runs too hot to use on directly on their lap, many people simply move the machine to a cushion, to the couch, or to the carpet.
As soon as they do that, guess what? They start to block up the cooling system air intakes and a little while after that their machine starts to overheat.
Of course, as soon as you realise what is going on, the solution is obvious too. Simply move the machine to a flat, hard surface that will allow the cooling air to circulate. Works like magic in most cases.

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