
Popular Laptop Reviews as Buyers Seek New Gadgets

Laptop Reviews, in terms of popularity are way up. As buyers flock to sites like CNet and Consumer Reports before buying their newest tech toy or workhorse, few people think about what they'll do with the laptops they're replacing. New laptops are all the rage as the holiday season tapers off - and there's no doubt - Americans love their gadgets with televisions
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in nearly every room and cellphones, computers, e-readers and music players covering surfaces and stuffing pockets and purses.
In fact we love them so much, few of us part with them even when they're out-of-date or just don't work, a survey by Retrevo, an online service that analyzes the latest thingamabob for those of us who are tech-challenged, indicated.
Retrevo's gadget census found only about a third of Americans say they recycle their gadgets with another third saying they haven't gotten around to it or don't care about recycling. Only 11 percent said recycling is not available in their areas.
"People are buying more new gadgets today than we ever have -- and that means collecting more old gadgets we never use," said Manish Rathi, vice president of marketing and co-founder of Retrevo. "It's time to stop making excuses … There are many avenues available to recycle electronics now and we encourage people to take responsibility and recycle their unused gadgets.
"We calculate that by the end of 2010 there will be so much e-waste accumulated since the year 2000, it could cover the island of Manhattan in old electronics three feet deep," Retrevo said. "Factoring in data from this same EPA report, we project by the year 2020 there will be so many old, unused or broken computers, printers, cellphones and TVs, they could fill enough dump trucks to circle the earth twice.
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People living in Atlanta were more likely to have  a television in every room than others. Eighty-  eight percent of us have a television in the living  room, 68 percent in the bedroom and 17 percent  in the kitchen. Showing some restraint, only 3  percent admitted having a television in the  bathroom and 7 percent in the garage.

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