
Apple iPad Reviews-Do People Want A Tablet PC Suggestion?

Apple’s iPad has been available to consumers for a couple of months now, selling as many millions on a global scale. These figures alone give us some indication of the initial success the device has brought to the Cupertino giants.apple ipad home screen small Apple iPad   Do People Want A Tablet PC Device?
However, Europe’s largest e-commerce advertising platform, and one-stop shopping service Kelkoo, have produced some of their own facts and figures revealing what people really think when quizzed about the undoubtedly, revolutionary device which act as an interesting follow-up to our previous “Apple iPad – Do We Need A Tablet Device?” article – you perhaps don’t “need” one as you could either use your smartphone or netbook instead, but do people “want” an iPad?
The first statistic is a simple one, but actually enlightening. After it’s initially frosty reception from consumers following the initial Apple iPad announcement (which many complained about the name itself as well) and once the dust had settled perhaps, an incredible 82% of people asked declared they believed the iPad would be a roaring success with consumers far and wide. So that begs the question, what is it that people like about it, and what do they like about Apple as a whole?

Kelkoo Found People Do Want A iPad / Tablet Device!

Well Kelkoo shared my interest and their results are interesting to say the least. 34% of those surveyed said it was due to their implementation of unique, and innovative features. 27% said they feel Apple simply offer the best products in their respective markets and 24% loved the ease of use. The remaining 15% felt Apple was just ‘cool’.
However, rather less surprisingly, 20% of people are ‘biding their time’ for a second-generation iPad, perhaps hoping for the (likely) inclusion of a camera and the far less likely provision of Flash implementation, two elusive features in the current iPad that Steve obviously think we don’t need! In accordance with that, 23% of people asked reckoned its functionality was too limited at present and 32% just felt it served no purpose. So perhaps it’s time for Apple to take note and include other features such as voice and video calls and HDMI connectivity considering the video capabilities of the device.
Bruce Fair, Managing Director of Kelkoo UK, commented when questioned at the time of the Apple iPad UK release date: “It’s crunch time for Apple as tomorrow heralds the launch of its iPad in the UK. With anticipation for its latest must have gadget reaching fever pitch, together with recent share price changes showing that the company has ousted arch-rival Microsoft to become the world’s biggest technology company, it seems that Apple undoubtedly has the ‘Midas touch’.  Apple’s iPad could certainly turn around the fortunes of the struggling tablet PC market by redefining the category as a premium multi-touch entertainment product, and in so doing, pave the way for other manufacturers to follow in its footsteps.”
“The iPad is a hybrid of Apple’s best loved products all under one roof, which is good for consumers as it could lead to significant cost savings. Like netbooks, the iPad provides the basic functions offered by a laptop at a margin of the cost – which in the current economic climate is bound to have mass market appeal.”
Interestingly, it seems Bruce got it spot on, with manufacturers far and wide, from Fusion Garage to Samsung or Neofonie to ASUS all outing their own tablet devices with more being announced at this year’s Computex event in Taipei.

